10) Parade’s End
Posted April 4, 2011 at 07:26 am

ROOMS ARE HARD TO DRAW OKAY. A few minutes after midnight isn’t that bad, riiiight?

Man, we had so many things we wanted to throw into Matt’s room. We were still adding things seconds before we uploaded it. Some made it, lots of stuff got cut out, but we’re hoping to add more in the next comic, which will officially end Matt’s family saga!

Anyways, busy busy week. I recently got accepted to be a streamer on Reviewtopia’s RTTV! I’ll be streaming obscure PS2 and Dreamcast games, so check the schedule for when I’m on! You’ll find me under the name Bossking.

In other news, Leslie and I might be moving probably in two weeks. But don’t worry, that shouldn’t affect the comic very much maybe. We’ll keep chugging along and producing more stuff for you guys.

Stay tuned next week for the exciting epilogue where everyone dies and the world is soaked in orange juice while sappy suicidal J-Pop blares across the planet!

EDIT:Also, we updated the site with a cast page, an archives section, and even added some actual content to the bonus section! Go on, enjoy it!
