146) Chu
Posted February 6, 2013 at 02:00 am

Man, it's only been like, a DAY since the last update. No time has even passed for anything remotely interesting to happen and be blogged about.

Okay, uh, we've only got TWO one-shots left! Both are holiday related. One is going to have excessive nudity! The other isn't. We'll be doing something a liiiittle different than our Valentine's Day comic last year, which a lot of people really liked, but I think you guys will be just as satisfied with this new thing. And after all that, we'll get right back to PLOT~! 
Derrick, Hai, and Melissa are super fun to write and we'll definitely be seeing more of them in the future. Definitely want to explore Derrick and Melissa's budding relationship more. Will probably dedicate a whole chapter to it in the future.
...alright, fuck, that's all I've got in me. SEE YOU NEXT UPDATE, I'M OUTTA HERE