15) No Animals Harmed
Posted May 22, 2011 at 03:50 am



So, yeah, this comic’s kind of huge. Like, damn. I think this might be our best-looking one yet. I’m sure I’ve said that about every comic prior, but will you LOOK AT THE COLORS! Leslie really outdid herself here. And will you look at all those sexy words I wrote! Was that too many words? I hope not! I’m not doing so great on the whole stop-being-so-wordy thing.

Not much going on right now. I’ve got a new job, and when I get paid, I’m going to put like $100 into our project wonderful account and advertise EVERYWHERE. Also, might do a video review of LA Noire. Didn’t like it so much.

Tune in next week, when the gang is arrested for thousands of dollars in property damage and they have to serve a whole page of jail time!
