265) Flirty Emotes
Posted January 23, 2014 at 02:00 am

I bet Melissa's just all like, "I sent that bitch a winky face, bitches LOVE winky faces".

So, if you've been catching our streams lately, we beat DmC, the hardcore, edgy, in-your-face reboot to a classic franchise! Yeah, beating it didn't change my mind. It's a truly ugly game, with piss-poor characterization, writing, and a combat system ridiculously hampered by a dumb button layout and the removal of a lock-on system. I hated nearly everything about it. I hated how much emphasis there was on really boring platforming. I hated how many transitionary cutscenes there were DURING combat. I hated the overly simple bossfights. I hated the completely unsubtle social commentary, waving a scolding finger at the world's biggest, easiest targets. Literally everything that was done in this game was done better ten years ago on a smaller budget on an inferior console. Seriously. Watch this video of the motion capture in DMC3 compared to the motion capture in DmC. That shit was done on PS2. DmC has no excuse.

I don't know why people defend DmC. Especially if you're on the social justice side, because jesus, DmC is misogynstic as FUCK. I don't see how Killer is Dead got shit on because of goofy little date missions when every woman in DmC is repeatedly called a bitch or a whore, beaten, tortured, shot through the womb with an assault rifle, and are either strippers, baby incubators, or rape victims. Or whatever succubus was. Hell, even the female enemies were just naked blue women. You want to find a weak female character in the past DMC games? Good fucking luck. They might have dressed sexy, but each female character was just as competent as old Dante. Hell, any time they ended up in a tough situation, they usually got out of it all by their lonesome, or even fucking saved Dante themselves. You would never see any of them cower behind a fucking trash can like Kat in DmC. Seriously, game journalists, you confuse the shit out of me with your finger-wagging. 

You know what I played recently that I DID actually like? La-Mulana. I recently saw that only 2% of Steam users who have bought La-Mulana actually beat the game, and I knew then that I had to be in that 2%. Loving the game so far. It's ridiculously tough, filled with one-hit death traps, and nearly impossible to figure out on your own, but it's fun to discover things in that game. I'm trying to not use any guides unless I'm just completely stuck, which has led me jumping around areas pretty often. I've already killed two bosses and I'm about to hit my third. Peeking at the guide though, I don't think I'm even 1/4 through the game. It seems to be kind of huge. Got a rockin' ice cape, though.

That's enough babbling out of me. See you guys on Sunday!

PS. Amidst all the complaining about video games, Leslie officially got her name changed! We will now henceforth be forever now as "The Browns". Boy I wish I had a cooler last name. 
