314) Go Forth and Read
Posted July 3, 2014 at 02:00 am


15 hours of driving, but it was totally worth it. Kentucky is fucking AMAZING. It's so clean and beautiful and there's so many hills that let you see the entire city. There's fireflies all over the place at night which we haven't seen since we were babies. Our apartment is so fucking huge and clean. The living room alone is larger than the entirety of our old apartment. There's so many stores around us with so much neat stuff, most of it all within walking distance. It's pretty and everyone's friendly and there's hardly any traffic most of the time and oh my god I'm in love with this place.

We still have a lot to do though, so we're cutting this blog post a bit short. Like we said with our last page, updates are gonna have to be cut down to two a week thoughout July so that we can get our book revisions done. Nalem and Spanio have shown us a lot of neat editting tricks to get these revisions done faster, so I'm thinking we can get them done by the end of the month. Even if we don't, we'll still resume our normal update schedule after July. We don't want to leave you guys hanging for too long! 

Happy 4th of July! We'll be updating on Wednesdays and Fridays. See you then!
