366) Bill
Posted January 8, 2015 at 12:00 am

That Bill. Always at the height of fashion. 

So hey, I gotta be honest with you, I don't got much to talk about for today's blog post. So instead, I think I'll just gawk over my favorite moments from AGDQ 2015. YO DID YOU SEE INVISIBLE TETRIS?! THAT SHIT WAS NUTS! OR DID YOU SEE HOW FUCKING FAST WII PUNCH-OUT GOT WRECKED?! OR SHOVEL KNIGHT WITH MY BOY CAPNDRAKE, THE FUCKING YACHT CLUB GUYS GOT ON THAT SHIT. YO, THEY'RE DOING VICE CITY RIGHT NOW AND IT'S CRAZY. This event has been amazing, I love AGDQ so much. I hope they do another summer event. Like I said last blog post though, it's been destroying our sleep schedule. We actually had to move the PS3 into our bedroom so we can watch it in bed. We don't ever wanna stop watching. 

I've been playing some video games in-between writing scripts and set-ups for AGDQ games. Mostly Grand Theft Auto Online and Smash 4. GTA Online is pretty alright on PS4. I like the new stuff, but goddamn do they need to fix the fucking loading times, it's ridiculous. I was able to almost perfectly recreate Suria though, so that's cool. Smash 4 is still amazing, been winning a lot of online matches. Decided to try some characters I haven't played much of, like Zelda. Zelda's, uh...she's not great. Din's Fire ain't as useful as you'd hope. Almost all of her aerials have ridiculously tiny sweetspots, so you're doing dick for damage. Phantom is also almost useless. But she IS pretty. Been playing a lot of Kirby, too, and god damn he's a lot of fun. It's so amazing swallowing a Rosalina or Lil' Mac or Zero Suit Samus and turning their own dumb attacks against them. He's so much faster and stronger in this game. For the first time since 64, he's not completely useless.

That's all for tonight. SEE YOU ON WEDNESDAY
