514) Sad Squeak
Posted August 23, 2016 at 09:14 pm

Between Okami, Ni-Oh Beta, Muramasa Rebirth, and two different Senran Kagura (SR2 and EV) games, I've basically been gorging out on games about medieval fantasy Japan. Mostly Okami. Strangely, as big of a Platinum fan as I am, I never really beat Okami. I was maybe 17 when Okami came out and after I beat Orochi the first time, I just fell off and got distracted and never picked it up again until now. Man, I fucking missed out. The second half of the game has been really great. I would've never expected so much variety at this point. I'm riding a tiny cute whale right now about to go climb a giant cat god tower. Can't wait to see how this game ends.

So, uh, don't freak out or anything, but there's only two pages left! Well, sort of. It's more like two updates. Next page is going to be a normal page, but the last page is going to be huge. Like four pages in one. I don't wanna spoil anything, but I'm hoping people will like it. It will answer quite a few lingering questions, and the ones that aren't answered...eh, I'll answer them in the synchtube party hosted immediately after. The ride's almost over, folks, but we still have some fun planned.

See you next week!
