52) Get out of here, stalker.
Posted December 7, 2011 at 12:24 pm

Our top story tonight: Catalyst from Archive Crawl wrote a little review about us! Our final score: 6.5/10, which according to this grade scale, places us at the same level as Nerfnow and just slightly better than Menage a 3, but not as good as Questionable Content. Ah well, what are you gonna do. Overall, it seems like Catalyst’s biggest concern is that we might just become another Questionable Content or Menage a 3, and while those comics aren’t necessarily bad, that’s really not the direction we want to go in. Never fear, people. We’re forging our own path here, not walking down someone else’s.

Anyways, Leslie’s back to digital inking again. Why? No clue! Sometimes she wants to ink digitally, sometimes she wants to ink traditionally. That’s just the way she is sometimes. It’s like she has some inking disorder. I think both ways look fine, really. I mean, they both have their ups and downs. I like the clean look that digital inking gives us, but at the same time, the boldness of the traditional inks looks real neat. What do YOU guys think?

But alright, that’s today’s update. See you on Sunday!
