Yet another comic in which Dan is completely right and everyone else is FUCKING AWFUL WITH BAD OPINIONS.
GUEST COMIC! Remember Ethan Catt? From this guest comic back back in 2014? Well, he's back, and he's better than ever! No, seriously, LOOK AT HOW MUCH BETTER HE'S GOTTEN AS AN ARTIST, THAT'S AMAZING. And now he's got a webcomic of his own! If you feel like reading about the daily ramblings of some goofy-ass penguins, check out his comic, An Exercise in Futility. He's also got a facebook page, if you're into facebook pages! And a tumblr, which has flooded my dashboard with Payday 2 fanart on several occasions. But above all, check his comic. He might like Fallout 4, but I swear he's not COMPLETELY wrong and bad all the time.
Anyways, not much else to say. Just working and watching Awesome Games Done Quick, which you should also be watching. Admittedly, we've been kinda focusing more on our other comic, since we're wrapping up a sexy chapter over there. Next Blaster Nation comic will be from us and it'll have Ash and her mom in it, so look forward to that on Friday! SEE YOU THEN.