Hey! There’s two updates today, so when you’re done with this, click over to the previous page to see the other! Unless you already saw it somehow. In which case, I’m relatively suspicious of you.
But this cute little piece of art was brought to us by Megan Beals, who does her own comic over at dryFish! A strange man with a strange face travels the harsh planet of Claire, encountering terrifying monsters and terrifying women alike! But really, you should check it out.
And lastly in today’s update, we bring you this most beautiful piece of artwork from Homosexual Propagandist, the creator of the sensational Lesbian Mystery Club! We shall cherish this piece forever. Printing it out, sticking it on our fridge with our favorite magnet, and writing a big “A+” on it, just so you know how well you did.
As far as our own comic goes, expect us back in two weeks! We’ve made some pretty decent progress despite a fair number of distractions, but I think we’re doing pretty okay for ourselves. I also have a job again, so you can bet your ass that you’ll be seeing our ads in more places! There won’t be a single place in this world we won’t whore ourselves at, mark my words!
Anyways, tune in next week for more guest comics! And for those who’re interested in making us some sweet-ass guest comics, you’re still more than welcome to! But until then, see you next week
EDIT: Speaking of guest comics, we did one for our ol’ bro Vicky at Sidequest-Story! Now if only he’d DO ONE FOR US. NEAR-DEATH INSOMNIA IS NO EXCUSE!