Guest Comic 5) Connor
Posted August 14, 2011 at 10:09 am

GUEST COMIC MONTH IS OVER. And what better way to end it with our broest bro Connor, who draws Ripchord with his girlfriend, Samantha. Ripchord’s an awesome little comic about the best gamer in the world, about to bring about a revolution to a future without video games. It’s got flash animations, it’s got music, what more could you ask for? Connor’s always been a huge help, and it feels pretty cool that my first ever affiliate gets to end our guest comic month. Hell, I don’t even know why I was trying to sell his comic to you, his link has been on the side of our site forever now.

Anyways, BLASTER NATION RETURNS THIS WEDNESDAY. Not Sunday. WEDNESDAY. We are now updating TWICE a week, just like I said! This is an unprecedented moment of me actually doing something I planned on. Our new schedule is Wednesday and Sunday. Smaller pages each update, but overall, more content per week than our original formula! And I’m kind of glad, because honestly, I’m insanely proud of how this story’s coming out, and I want to get it out to you guys as fast as possible because it’s going to be really cool. Leslie’s loving the new formula, and it’s showing through her art, and I’ve written a really interesting character for you guys.

But enough talk. SEE YOU WEDNESDAY


Edit: Because that dog in the second to last panel is so fucking cute, we made it our background. Thanks, Vicky!
