112) Setting the Stage
Posted August 22, 2012 at 02:00 am


And we're back! The fundraiser was pretty successful, if I do say so myself! Of course, even if we had only raised a single dollar, I'd have still considered it a success, but no, you guys went way beyond that! We almost hit $200, just shy of getting two bonus comics, so fuck it, you're going to get two bonus comics anyways! We're working hard on getting these comics done as fast as possible, so expect those two bonus updates soon! Won't say when, just SOON.

Thanks to you guys, though, we're super prepared for the conventions now. We're still working on more prints in between our comics, so we'll continue to show you guys whenever we get one done. We plan on having at least three more finished, making for a total of ten prints for Sabotencon and Mechacon. Our Hivework's boss Antares is taking up the actual printing duties (much to our surprise, we had actually went and bought shit to do it ourselves BUT HEY NO PROBLEM, WHATEVER*) and he plans on having a ridiculous amount of copies printed on some sexy matte paper. Doubt we'll have them all sold at the cons so maybe we can get some to you guys online? We'll see what we can do!

Also, we noticed that for awhile, our wallpaper page has been broken. The whole page that you're supposed to get directed to has completely disappeared, so nobody's been actually able to get them. To fix that, we're going to make them free from now on! Going to put them in the Bonus section and remove the whole Support Us page. We're not going to be able to do any of this until our site manager helps us, of course, but if you've been wanting some Blaster Nation wallpapers but just never had the money to donate to us, then hey, there you go! If you already donated to us and feel a bit upset because they're free now, email us and we'll try and make it up to you (keyword: try)! And if you still just wanna donate for the hell of it, you can still do that through Paypal at donotdestroy@live.com. We hope you guys are all okay with this! 

But alright, enough of that, we still got plenty of work to do. See you guys on Sunday!


 *Love you, Antares. SAY IT BACK
