129) GG, Baby
Posted November 15, 2012 at 02:00 am

So, you're probably wondering what the hell happened to Sunday's update. Long story short, it looked really awful so we redid the whole thing and decided to throw away our current update schedule for a "when it's done" approach. You can read the whole announcement on our tumblr. We're still aiming for two updates a week, but we're not going to rush things to make it for a specific day like we did for the last few pages. Is it worth the extra wait? Well, compare this current page to what we rushed to make for Sunday. Never again, man. Friends don't let friends rush webcomics.

HEY ALL YOU BLASTER NATION FANS! Tired of us talking about pretty much nothing but our exciting new pornographic web adventure! Well we got a treat for you! We figured all the Rock Cocks talk was getting pretty annoying and most people aren't as keen to pornography as we are, so we decided to move all Rock Cocks art, discussion, and status updates to their very own tumblr! So if you're interested in watching the development all the way up to its release on January 1st, you'd best start following that blog! If you're not interested in Rock Cocks at all, then that's good because you no longer have to see any of it! Jump on the link below, but heed the warnings because we made sure that the first thing you're immediately exposed to is some naked people.


This unfortunately means that I'm going to have to come up with blog content that ISN'T related to porn. Which sucks for me because boy, that made the blogs way easier to write. But yeah, the next few pages of Blaster Nation are going to be pretty interesting, I think. It's just about time to start writing up the next chapter, too! I know what I'm going to write for the chapter, but out of curiousity, what do YOU, the loyal Blaster Nation reader, want to see in this comic's future! Let us know, and we'll totally think of someone to fit in or at least come up with a polite way to reject you! 
Stay tuned!

