196) Loading Transition
Posted June 21, 2013 at 02:00 am

 I think this page is super cute and Leslie's also's super cute for drawing it!

ANIMAL CROSSING STATUS UPDATE: Leslie and I (or Lil L and Cool Guy, as our neighbors call us) have been bringin' in the bells thanks to a lucrative offshore beetle harvesting scheme that everyone else on the internet is doing. Some members of the Animal Crossing morality police might scold us for using such an easy method of getting cash, but fuck that shit, farming has always been a part of AC and everything is ridiculously expensive now. Efficiency isn't cheating! Besides, it's not like we're time traveling or resetting our game or anything.

So now our town has a fountain, a well, an extra bridge, a lighthouse, an outside TV screen that plays Tom Nook advertisements, and even the Mr. Resetti Reset Surveillance Center because god dammit I love that guy. However, we're starting to run out of shit to buy for the village since none of the neighbors want to suggest anything anymore. Our museum is well on its way to being filled with junk, and we just unlocked the Nooklings upgrade, Dream Suite, and Kicks. We'll open our village for the dream world soon, but first we gotta make you guys some neat-ass patterns! We'll try to have something soon! 

Anyways, I'm passing out while writing this so GOOD NIGHT AND SEE YOU SUNDAY
