199) Commercial Break
Posted June 27, 2013 at 02:00 am

Not enough dialogue in the last two pages? Don't worry, we got ya covered.

So, I've never been much of a fan of international LP superstars The Game Grumps. Sure, I liked Egoraptor and Jontron seperately, but together, they are the most incompetent and obnoxious gamers the world has ever seen in ten minute chunks three times a day on youtube. 

But the LP community was shocked when JonTron left a couple days ago to pursue his own dreams of making worthwhile content again. Egoraptor wasted no time in replacing him, so the duo of Ego and Jon is now Ego and Danny from NinjaSexParty (no idea what that is). And I'm kind of confused now. I would think if anything, the biggest appeal (if any) to Game Grumps was that it was two good friends sittin' around playing video games. One was Grump, one was Not So Grump. But when you can easily replace your friend like that and just rename him Not So Grump too, then...well, that doesn't seem very friendly, does it?

Alongside the replacement, a new show was also added to the Game Grumps channel called Steamtrain, run by the NinjaSexParty dudes again, which was met with almost universal hatred due to how awful the first episode was. Rather than start their own LP channel, Ego seems to have no qualm letting these guys coast off his subscribers. Content is content, right? Apparently not. Ego doesn't seem to realize what the original appeal of Grumps was. As annoying as they were together, they had a sort of dynamic going on that not many other LPer's had. But now it's gone from two friends playing games to a huge marketing venture with multiple shows and limited-time-only t-shirts, not even skipping a beat for the departure of the co-Grump. It's a business now, and people are realizing that. People don't really like it when you become so blatantly capitalistic about something so simple as two guys playing video games. Danny's actually really good compared to JonTron, but he really shouldn't be "not so grump".

Whatever, though, Two Best Friends has always been better anyways. 

