305) Love is Gross
Posted May 14, 2014 at 02:00 am

Had to make this update short and simple today because OH MY GOD WE ARE FLOODED WITH WORK. Our application has been sent off to a new apartment in Kentucky (thanks Nalem and Spanio!), I'm currently helming Jojo's Bizarre Project and have been talking to various super cool artists and writers, Leslie's been wrapping up commissions, and we're now adding two new rewards to our kickstarter, meaning we've got to draw five more things! If you're kind of bummed out by the lack of story or character progress in this chapter, then please, bear with us while we get our shit together. Next chapter will have ALL the plot.

So far though, everything is progressing really smoothly! We're really excited about our potential move. Honestly, any place is nicer than Louisiana. There's nothing here except for Leslie's super nice parents (who read this comic). No opportunities, no NOTHING. Up in Kentucky, we'll be within driving distance to SO many things. Hell, by the time we move up there, The Protomen will be doing a concert in Cincinnati! You know how many times The Protomen have stopped by Louisiana? Like, TWICE. AND WE SAW BOTH OF THOSE.

Next update will probably be a guest comic, so if you want progress reports on how stupid crazy our work schedules are, then check those social networks! Ask us some shit on tumblr! Tweet at us! Do...whatever it is you do on facebook! See you on Friday! 

Edit: Comments fixed! 
