394) Let's Meet the Neighbors
Posted April 8, 2015 at 12:00 am

Inks done by Freeglass.

Lil' punk-ass.

SO! Short blog post this time, because we ended up finishing this comic at around 4:00 AM. We're dyin' over here. Need some sleep. But we got some good news! This will be the last one-update week! We've only got about 80 books left to send out, and I think we can get most of them done this week. At the very least, we'll try to get two updates for you next week. There's some really interesting stuff that's gonna happen in this second half of the chapter!

Aaaand I think that's about all I got left in me to type. If you want more of our sparkling personalities, bug us on tumblr and twitter! I'll try to answer more asks tomorrow. Until then, SEE YOU SOON
