To be honest, I got nothing for this blog post. So, uh, can I just say how much we love reading your comments?
Seriously, Leslie and I get dozens upon dozens of randomly-generated spam comments bombarding our inbox daily that it makes seeing even just one non-spam comment so much greater. We’re getting damn near 30 comments a page and it just feels so damn great. A lot of comics tend to disable comments because there’s bound to be some fighting or some uncomfortable moments, but dammit, we don’t ever want to do that because we love reading them so much. We love you guys and we’re going to keep giving you shit to comment on forever.
So, after this chapter, we kind of want to spruce up the site a bit. Make it look nicer, have more stuff to read and keep you entertained. Is there anything in particular you guys want? Any way we should decorate the site, anything you want to see changed on any of our sections, stuff you want added, etc? I’m no genius html wizard like my friend Jkun at Crazy Sunshine (which is a really fun comic, you should check it out), so I can’t do anything TOO crazy, but please, suggest whatever comes to mind and we’ll try to make it happen!
Later, buddy. See you Wednesday!