Guest Comic 6) Jeanne
Posted May 29, 2012 at 04:38 am

And so begins our first week of guest comics! Starting us off is Jeanne Thorton from Jeanne’s Comics with this wonderfully well-written piece! Seriously, we love this one, it captures each character’s personality so wonderfully, it’s great! If Jeanne can do this good with our characters, then I’m sure her own comic and characters are even better! Go give it a read!

We also received another guest submission from a fan named UltimateZ! Unfortunately, his submission was a little small and lacking in content and uploading it as a main update would have made the front page look all kinds of weird. But it’s cute and we don’t want this guy to feel left out after taking the time to submit a panel to us, so you can see it right below!

Who’s the green guy? Why is Toph sleeping over at Ash’s house? What the hell possible use could Rinnie have for a marital aid? We know all the answers ourselves, but if you want to know, you’ll have to read his webcomic, Dead Leon! (warning, it’s got ponies and spooky things)


In other Blaster Nation news, Leslie and I have been working damn hard on the character designs and settings for the next chapter! You’re going to be seeing a lot of new faces in the next chapter and I don’t want to brag, but they’re all pretty awesome. Leslie and I are seriously proud of how these new characters look and act and we can’t wait to show you!


That’s all for today. If we get more guest comics, we’ll start posting even more throughout the week, not just Wednesday and Sunday! Including Jeanne’s, we only have two guest comics. If we get more than four, then we’ll start posting them as we get them! That’s a Blaster Nation promise! But until then, see you soon!
