Guest Comic 9) Zack
Posted June 9, 2012 at 03:38 pm

Decided to post this one really early so that EVERYONE gets a chance to see it because really, it’s a work of art. Today’s guest comic is from my good friend Zack Morrison of Paranatural fame and there just isn’t enough I can say about Zack or Paranatural. His art is amazing, his characters are fun as hell, his writing is great, the entire comic is literally just about as perfect as you can get. It’s only three chapters in but it’s already got an incredibly devoted following and I want to help that following get even bigger. Seriously, read the damn comic, you won’t regret a single moment of it. And then go give the link to everyone you’ve ever met. The guy deserves it.

Aaaaand that’s it for guest comics! Once again, many thanks to Jeanne, Connor, Simon, and Zack� for making the best batch of webcomics and a very special thanks to all you fans for coming and reading them! Leslie and I are hard at work on the next chapter, but we’ll be back to updating this coming Wednesday with some returning favorites and brand new characters! Leslie and I are having a BLAST doing this chapter. Not that weak little blast from doing the other chapters we’ve done so far, no, this is a HUGE BLAST. This puts the BLAST back into BLASTer Nation. We might as well rename our site HUGE BLASTER NATION because of how HUGE of a BLAST this chapter is. Seriously, it’s fun to do and it’s going to be even more fun to read, I know you guys will love it.
