Leslie's Journal Comics: Part 2
Posted June 11, 2014 at 02:00 am

I think I'm more excited about E3 than I am Halloween or Christmas at this point. If old cartoons had E3 specials, I would totally make a marathon stream of them. 

If you're a follower of our tumblr or twitter, chances are you might've caught my opinions on E3 events as they happened! As always, I was bitter and spiteful, but not for ALL of it! Like Leslie pointed out, we really, REALLY liked a few of the games we saw. Sunset Overdrive looks crazy fun and something we might actually pick up an Xbone for. Obviously, more information on Metal Gear Solid V is great. The new trailer was fantastic and we're DYING to play it.

...And, uh, that's all we can really remember from Sony and Microsoft. 

That's kind of the problem with them. They get up on stage, bombard us with a few thirty-second teasers of games that aren't anywhere near complete, half of it's just bullshots, and then they leave. That's all we get.

Enter Nintendo, who has been FLOODING us with information. I try not to fanboy, I really do. I don't pick sides in the console wars because I think console wars themselves are stupid as fuck. But man, what I appreciate about Nintendo is that what you see with their games is usually what you end up getting. No bullshots, no cinematic bullshit like The Order, nothing like that. Just good, pure video games. They managed to show more about their video games in 45 minutes than Sony managed to in 115, and they're STILL giving us more information a day later with these streams. Why does no other company do this? Imagine if each day of E3 had this kind of marathon stream for each company, so they can show the consumers at home (the people that fucking matter) these awesome games they should want to buy? Fucking bless you, Nintendo. 

AND NOW WE'RE GONNA GO PLAY SOME SMASH AT BEST BUY! This weekend, we're going to be at Louisianime! Come find us there on July 13th and 14th, we'll have our own panels and everything! See you on Wednesday with an update!

Addendum: Leslie and I tried to discuss what other E3 games we liked that weren't from Nintendo, and god damn, was it hard to differentiate some of these verbally. "YOU KNOW, THE ONE WITH THE GUN AND THAT GUY, THAT ONE THAT'S NOT ASSASSIN'S CREED". At least with Nintendo's lineup, no two games look or feel alike and they're all easy enough to decipher. I guess that's why Sunset Overdrive sticks out in my mind so much, because it literally fucking sticks out from the rest of the cover-based realistic shooters (which they also make fun of).
