Nothing Today
Posted May 25, 2014 at 02:00 am

Sorry guys. Nothing today. Didn't have any guest comics to post, didn't have enough time to do a Blaster Nation. We have been busy as FUCK.

Good news, though! We finished putting our Kickstarter together! It's now sent off and we're waiting approval. We put a lot of work into making the page look super nice, and I think it'll show when you guys finally get to see it! We've also been in contact with people trying to get our book together, and things are coming along real smoothly! We won't have to make as many revisions to the old pages as we feared. Nalem and Spanio from Lighter Than Heir have been a huge help, as well as Isabelle and Megan from Namesake. Go check out their comics! They're both amazing.

Speaking of Nalem and Spanio, we're totally moving in with them! We got an apartment lined up, the security deposit is paid, the moving truck is reserved...everything's set! We'll be moving on June 30th. Living with a couple of awesome webcomic people will be unbelievably helpful. We've even got a plan set up that'll keep Blaster Nation going and STILL free up some time for Leslie to start working on Rock Cocks again! This month has been fuckin' ROUGH, but once this move happens, we'll be saving a ton of money and making more comics and videos than ever! 

That's about it. Other than preparing the family for our move and working on Jojo's Bizarre Anime Webcomic Project (which is proving totally frustrating but will hopefully be worth it), that's about it. We're finishing up our commissions, only to have to re-open them up again when the Kickstarter opens. As soon as it does, we'll let you know! New chapter of Blaster Nation will soon follow!

See you on Wednesday!
