114) Hearts on Fire
Posted September 12, 2012 at 02:00 am

EDIT: Because I've neglected mentioning it for so long, Blaster Nation now has a forum on the Pixie Trix messageboard! Want to speculate on chapters or discuss the characters? Click here, or the forum button at the top! Comments will still remain if you'd rather just talk about the current page, but for more in-depth stuff, try the forum! Also we're now affiliated with PixieTrix, which does Menage a 3 and shit! Did I mention that before because IT'S COOL AS FUCK

Boy, this update sure took awhile! 
Sorry about the extremely long wait, guys. In the past two weeks, SO much shit has happened and I'll probably never get around to addressing everything but boy am I going to try.
Alright, so the hurricane came and went and barely did any damage to our area. Our block was relatively unscathed, making our premature departure a little unneccessary in hindsight. Hell, the most damage was probably done by our roommate, but he's just a naturally filthy person and I like cleaning so it's no big deal. The hurricane itself was no big deal, but the threat of it still scared us into leaving early, so at the very least we got a headstart on our conventions.
Of course, before all the conventions happened, we ended up getting hacked by some dudes over in Yemen. All they ended up doing was redirecting the Blaster Nation front page to their awesome picture of their army with giant keyboards and shit for a couple hours, but all in all, no real damage. A bunch of other webcomics were also hacked in the process, and many of them suffered much more than we did. Some sites  ended up having viruses planted in them, making them completely inaccessible. Our security has since been beefed up so hopefully, nothing like that will ever happen in the future. Hopefully. If you guys notice anything broken or missing on the site, though, let us know and we'll fix it right up!
After that though, we ended up driving 22 hours up to Arizona for Sabotencon! Basically, it was a giant Hiveworks get-together. We spent most of our time with Erin Burt, our site tech and artist of Four Tales, who is way more educated than we will ever be. We also hung out with the aritst of Misfile, Chris Hazelton, a man with more webcomic experience, merchandise, and chesthair than all of us combined. And of course, our glorious Hiveworks leader, Antares, was there to buy us dinners and be chaffeured by me personally. Our leader likens himself to Kyubey of Madoka Magicka fame, but I really can't see him as anyting other than Tingle from the Legend of Zelda.
Sabotencon was a relative success, selling many commissions (mostly to a single person with a lot of original characters), selling a couple prints, and meeting one fan. After all this, we traveled 22 hours back to our home in Louisiana, resting for one whole day before we traveled off to Mechacon! Meeting some of our fellow Hiveworks people was great and all, but Mechacon was a much greater personal success for us. We sold TONS of prints, Leslie did FIFTEEN commissions for FIFTEEN different people, and we met LOTS of fans (including my long-lost younger-than-me uncle! Hi Wayne!) Seriously, it was one of the best times we had and we're definitely going to do it again next year. We'll try to hit up as many conventions we can afford (which honestly, isn't all that much) so we can meet even more of you people. Thanks to everyone who saw us at Mechacon! You guys are all awesome!
But now, we're finally back home, all rested up and done with this convention shit. Blaster Nation is back in action! Leslie's drawing these new updates on much larger paper, which allows her to put more detail and basically draw these things SO much nicer. It's a bit tough to work with our tiny scanner, but unfortunately we don't have any cheap scanning places around us so it'll have to do. I think the extra work is definitely worth it though. 
You guys are still going to get some extra updates, we haven't forgotten! However, because of all convention/hurricane delays, we're seriously behind on our Slipshine comic. We want to get that finished as quick as possible, so that's going to be our first order of business while we maintain our usual update schedule! Don't worry, for those of you who don't have a Slipshine subscription, I'm sure we'll be able to do a preview image. Literally every page has some nudity on it, so there's still something for non-subscribers to get excited about! 
If you guys have actually been reading this giant wall of text, would you be interested in buying some prints from us online? We still have quite a few physical prints here with us, so if you guys are interested, let us know in the comments and we'll figure something out by the next update!
Alright, that's enough writing for now. See you guys on Sunday!