121) Pause
Posted October 7, 2012 at 02:00 am

Alright, alright, I know I said we'd get an early comic to you. I'm sorry that didn't happen! It's just Leslie was super stressin' about getting two pages done in such a short amount of time and I don't like Leslie stressin' and her birthday's really soon so I told her not to worry about it! So the early page was cancelled to keep Leslie's sanity. We'll get these extra updates done next Friday, and hopefully this super early update makes up for the broken promise!

So in case you missed it, we announced our super exciting porn adventure and got a lot of reblogs, likes, and general encouragement and that's super awesome. We're gonna try and get as much information to you guys about that as much as possible, without spoiling the awesome story we have planned! Seriously, that's actually the most exciting part to me. The story we have is so absurd and cool, and we've created so many unique characters and plotlines and backstories and ffffuuuck I'm so hyped for your reactions to them all! We already have the site domain, we just have to make the actual site for it. I've already gotten about 20 pages written and 18 chapters planned out, so when the site's up, we hope to have a LOT of content for you guys on day one. We'll post some more art on our tumblr later, so check that shit out!
As for Blaster Nation, we still have a lot planned with that. We want to get as many updates done so we can finish up this fight and get back to the character interaction you guys know and love. Next chapter will be Rinnie focused, after that will be Dan/Kim, and after THAT? It's a secret~! We might also try to get some black & white comics done for some of the alternate scenarios you guys have requested (mostly involving the rock-wall climbing scene with Matt/Ash). Expect those around the end of this chapter, which shouldn't last much longer with these extra updates!  
I've got some free time, so if you guys want, ask me some shit on tumblr, on the forums, on twitter, facebook, whatever! Or you can just wait until the next update I guess. See you then!