122) The Beast Is Unleashed
Posted October 10, 2012 at 02:00 am

Today's update was a liiiiittle slow, which I'm sure you noticed. Leslie and I have been super busy over the past couple of days, partly because we've been scrambling for cash and mostly because it was her BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY~! So many of you guys chimed in on Facebook and Tumblr to tell her happy birthday and that was so awesome and I thank you guys so much for it! It seriously means a lot to us and especially her! 

So I've been doing a lot of writing and Leslie's been doing a lot of sleeping/drawing. Whenever she's not drawing Blaster Nation, she's designing all the locations for Rock Cocks and drawing reference material of how the characters should look and emote. Seriously, I'm not kidding when I say Rock Cocks has been one of the funnest things to work on, especially on Leslie's end. Even the SETTINGS have been fun to write up and draw. We'll have some sneak peeks for you sometime in the future so you can understand the level of hype we have for this project.
As for me, I've been trying to strike an even balance of working on both things when I'm not completely slacking off. This current Blaster Nation chapter is almost completely written out, and I'll be starting on the next chapter focusing on the best and most favorite character in Blaster Nation soon enough! I've also almost completely written out the entire first scene in Rock Cocks, which was Leslie's requirement before she would start drawing it! Basically, we've got a whole lot of work cut out for us, but we'll squeeze in as much bonus Blaster Nation stuff as we possibly can.
But now, I think we've earned a break for the rest of tonight. The new Walking Dead game episode is out so we're going to go try not to cry. See you next update!