127) Going Slightly Mad
Posted November 4, 2012 at 01:00 am

EXCITING TIMES ARE UPON US! Leslie has officially started drawing The Rock Cocks! The first 25 pages are now written AND thumbnailed, so now all we need to do is make the damn things! We have two months to make us many buffer pages as humanly possible, and believe me, we're going to cram as many out as possible! Not that we want to rush these, mind you, it's just we're so excited to actually be doing it! We'll have a site available to you guys soon so you can sit back and wait for the grand opening on New Years! 

Beyond that, the rest of this Blaster Nation chapter is just about written up. Man, I'm not going to lie to you, this whole chapter has been kind of tough for us. Making a shonen-style fight scene for a webcomic just did not work out as well as I would have hoped. It's not the worst thing we've ever done, but damn, I really should have written this chapter out with a better plan in mind. For awhile, I've been struggling with the ending because I could never come up with something good enough to tie it all together. But I think I've now finally hit the ending I want with a way to really bring out the best of these characters we made for this whole fighting thing and I'm really happy with it. You'll be seeing the results of that on Wednesday, actually. We still have a few pages to go, but it's going to be a lot more interesting from here on out.
So, a couple of updates ago, my old backwards compatible PS3 died on me. Luckily, my roommate had a backup PS3 and I was able to move my stuff on to his. I was also able to trade in my old busted PS3 and with a couple of extra games tossed in, I was able to afford the one game I've been wanting for quite some time~
That game is Dead or Alive 5. Now, any fighting game fan who reads this post would probably find a broken PS3 to be more valuable than DoA5, but fuck, man, I just love this series, alright? It's fast, it's fluid, the characters are nice, the environments have always been cool as fuck and Leslie and I just like blatant fanservice. So DoA5 does almost all of those things fantastically. The environments are FUCKING INCREDIBLE this time around, characters seem fairly balanced as opposed to DoA4's previous tierlist (fucking Hayabusa), and it plays wonderfully. Sadly, the one thing it actually lacks in now is fanservice. Sure, the wet physics and sweat/dirt is pretty nice, but it means that now everybody (even the males) gets a white t-shirt to exploit the new feature instead of, y'know, anything that looks cool. And all the classic fanservice outfits like the schoolgirl suits and topless overalls have been moved to DLC for the ridiculously expensive price of $12 per set. Fuck, that is a stupid price to pay just to get some fucking pantyshots. Thankfully, the base game is still great and I'll still be playing for awhile...but man, I don't know if I can justify spending $24 on pantsu and bunnsuits, no matter how much I want to.
See you Wednesday! 