Spooky Scary Blaster Nation!
Posted October 31, 2012 at 02:00 am

 It's early, it's canon, it's our first Halloween Blaster Nation comic!

Seriously, the amount of crunch time we put into this comic is RIDICULOUS. Totally makes up for all the slow updates, right? This is like, three updates in terms of size! Hell, we're posting this at 6:00 AM central. We stayed up all night doing this! Mostly Leslie, she did pretty much everything, I just wrote this ridiculously long comic. We wanted to make sure you people had all Halloween to see it! We're super proud of it and didn't want to upload it at ten minutes past midnight like we always seem to do. So enjoy! 
Unfortunately, we don't really have much in the way of Halloween plans other than sleeping this comic off. Our neighborhood is actually probably one of the most dangerous in Louisiana so we're gonna lock ourselves in our apartment with as many weapons as humanly possible and pray our cars survive the night. Also, finally play through Costume Quest since I always forget to do it every Halloween. It's the one Tim Schafer game I haven't completed, and god dammit, it'll be completed today! Whenever we wake up, that is. And if I don't get sidetracked by Dark Souls. Finally beat the fucking Bed of Chaos and got Artorias's Greatsword. Now I'm off to join the Blade of the Darkmoon...
But enough, I say! It's Halloween! Go out there and scare someone, or just go get scared! Or just eat a bunch of candy. Don't eat candy while getting scared, though. You may choke. Choking is scary! But don't start choking yourself either, just find nice, safe ways to scare yourself that don't involve choking yourself. See you next update!