135) Chicken-Wuss
Posted December 10, 2012 at 02:00 am

Is there ANYONE in this comic that can properly ask someone out? FUCK NO, WELCOME TO BLASTER NATION.

Man, what was up with last update? Only three comments? Seriously? We've been getting less and less comments with the last three pages. If we get even less on this page, I think I'm going to cry. The next page will be stained with tears from me leaning over it while Leslie draws it. Well, actually, the next page will be digital, so I can't stain it physically. This page was digital too, because we have literally run out of the money to get Leslie's usual art supplies. It really sucks and we hate it, but after this week, we'll finally stop being so poor, so don't worry about us! We'll be fine! Just one more week of ramen and we're back to living the big life! Leslie will just have to digitally add my tears on the next page.
Anyways, don't get upset yet with this chapter's outcome! We've still got three more pages! Unless you're upset that we're still doing this chapter, in which case, hey, just three more pages to go! The rest of the chapter's all written out, so now, it's time to work on the next!
See you next update!
Also, remember our bro Raven of Raven's Dojo? His kickstarter is almost finished, and he's $4,000 short of his goal! There's only two days left, so please, help the guy out! He's a great friend with a great comic, and hell, if it's any incentive, you'll see some more of Leslie's art in the book somewhere! Help the guy out! If you can't throw money at him, just tell your friends! 