134) Till Next Time
Posted December 6, 2012 at 02:00 am

 And with that, we bid farewell to Curt and friends.

For those that watch Two Best Friends and were wondering, yes, that's a Two Best Friends reference. I've answered a lot of comments on Curt's resemblance to Woolie, so forgive me if I'm repeating myself. So, no, Curt's not SUPPOSED to be Woolie, and when we made Curt, we knew of Woolie but had no idea what he looked like. But now, I think it's kind of cool. We've been huge fans of TBF for like, ever, so fuck it, we can accept a character that looks like Woolie, even if by accident. So that "see you EVO, fuckers" reference is basically just me saying, "Yeah, he looks like Woolie, but fuck it, Two Best Friends is awesome."
This page was a little late, but with good reason! Leslie and I were flat broke. Like, no money at all. With bills looming and the lack of food getting to us, we decided to open up commissions, so we spent a great deal of time devoted to that. We only took five commissions so we could still dedicate some time to Blaster Nation and Rock Cocks, but it definitely helped out. For you five amazing individuals that orderered commissions, all of our appreciation goes out to you! For those that didn't but would've liked commissions, just stick around! I'm sure we'll get poor again. 
Other than that, not much else has been going on. I've been playing lots of Planetside 2, Leslie's been listening to a lot of Hatsune Miku, and we've both been watching dozens of Gamercenter CX episodes. I've kind of been a writing slump and haven't been able to get myself to write anything of quality lately, but that shit has to stop because we're doing some Christmas Blaster Nation comics soon! I fucking love doing holiday stories, they're seriously the best.
But that's all for now! See you next update, fuckers!