194) Blinded by Nostalgia
Posted June 16, 2013 at 02:00 am

Note: This blog post was written as Leslie put the finishing touches on this current page.

Haha, this was a fun page to do. Until Leslie had to go to her parents for the weekend, which caused her to come home pretty late and we had to stay up until 3:00 AM to get this page done. Then it wasn't fun at all. It was the page from HELL. But at least it's got the girlies up in there so whatev.

Have I ever told you how great our bed is? The frame itself seems like it could potentially snap at any moment, and it lacks any sort of proper headboard, but boy I love that thing. It's got nice fuzzy green blankets that are just so soft and warm, and I've got TWO pillows for headsupport. One is a lot thicker than the other, so it's really more like they just form one giant pillow. Leslie says she only needs one pillow, but I have no idea how anyone can sleep on such a minimal amount of pillow fluff. Then again, I guess it's a tradeoff. I get two pillows, but hardly any bed to sleep on. Leslie has to have her dog right next to her, which insists on taking as much space as possible. It's actually kind of impressive, because it's a tiny little chihuahua, but holy fuck it HAS to sleep horizontally across the bed and take up as much space as possible. It's endearing in a way, but oh my god Leslie just finished the page FUCKING HELL I'M GOING TO BED NOW, SEE YOU ON WEDNESDAY
