193) Scale It Back
Posted June 13, 2013 at 02:00 am

Haha, I mean, c'mon, who DOESN'T have a spare CRT TV specifically to play classic video games on? That's pretty much a gamer must-have right alongside a bucket of cheeseballs and a VHS copy of Double Dragon The Movie.

Not much going on right now. Been writing a lot of scripts and playing a lot of Animal Crossing. I've been giving out my friendcode on our tumblr, and it's been pretty fun. I've kinda been wary about opening up my town gate because it just wasn't ready yet, but I've been dropping in on friends and readers and hanging out, exchanging fruit, having a grand ol' time. People have been extremely nice and I make sure I'm nice back! But I've been bustin' my ass off as mayor trying to make Leslie and I's village SPARKLE. We've already got several fruit, a second bridge, a well, and a campsite and we're steadily working towards cooler shit! Plus, my house has a SECOND FLOOR~! I'm drowning in debt but at least I've got more space for my armoires! 
Leslie's borrowing the 3DS for the weekend, though, as she's spending father's day with her dad. So if she can figure out the internet there, you might see her drop in on some villages! Don't worry, we'll still have a comic for Sunday. Probably. Maybe. We'll see! I got faith!
But that's it for tonight. See you guys Sunday!