201) Memory Lane
Posted July 2, 2013 at 02:00 am


Sorry the last few pages have been super uneventful. I promise they'll make sense by the end of the chapter, but boy, they sure made things easy for us. We were able to get most of these pages done pretty quickly, which has been super helpful in getting ready for CONNECTICON NEXT WEEK HOLY SHIT. I can't believe that shit's almost here. Like, we're going to be flying on a plane there! To a convention! Fuck, man, I haven't flown since I was 8 years old. This is going to be SO KEWL.
If you got to see us at Sabotencon or Mechacon last year, we won't be doing anything much different from then. We'll have a table to ourselves and Leslie will be doing both inked and watercolor commissions, and we'll have a number of prints available. Most of the BN prints will be text-less versions of some of the chapter covers. We went and made an original Rock Cocks print that's supposed to emulate the look of a rock magazine cover that you can see here. Beyond that, we'll have a few of these prints from last year, plus some original fanart prints Leslie's still whipping up. Definitely an Animal Crossing one, not sure about the others. Knowing Leslie, it'll probably be Hatsune Miku. Got any suggestions? Let us know!
Until then, see you on Friday!