203) Gettin' Too Friendly
Posted July 6, 2013 at 02:00 am

Only one more update until we're heading on a plane, flying towards Connecticut! As soon as we know where we're going to be stationed at in the great Online Media Guest Hall, we'll let you guys know! We'll draw a big colorful map picture and everything! But uh, it's only week until then so I wouldn't get your hopes up. BUT CHECK OUT ALL THESE GUESTS, THEY'VE GOT PICTURES AND EVERYTHING

We're actually going to be doing a webcomics panel alongside Scott from Fanboys and Ronnie from Whomp. They're both incredibly wonderful webcomic people and it's going to feel so weird sitting next to guys I've read and respected for years. We're still so new to this whole webcomic thing! WE DON'T DESERVE TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH GODS

Anyways, Leslie's gonna be out and about on Sunday doing things with her family while I sit alone at home trying to hunt scorpions in Animal Crossing, so toss me some tumblr asks or somethin'! Until then, see you on Wednesday!
