69) Family Life
Posted February 28, 2012 at 05:27 am

Happy 69th page, everybody! Number 69 only comes around once ever! Unless you count 69s within the hundreds, which just doesn’t have the same effect.

Status update on the new printer: IT PRINTS! Pretty damn fine, too. Had a bit of technical trouble with it and we’re still trying to figure some things out, but it’s functional! We’re trying out 8.5 x 11″ matte paper, which hopefully will be good enough. Feels fairly sturdy, makes the pictures shine all sexy-like. As soon as we have something worth printing, we’ll show you guys!

Right now, we’re trying to plan out future convention trips in the Louisiana area, something I touched on last page. We’re dead set on attending Mechacon this year, simply because it’s affordable, we’ve got plenty of time to prepare, and we’ve been there at least three times in the past. In the time between then, we’re going to work on getting as much pages out as possible and get a ton of art drawn so they can be ready for printing and purchasing at an artist alley table near you!

Do you think I talk too much about comic-business in these blog posts? Maybe I should start talking more about personal things. Leslie and I have been completely fixated on The Tester recently. It’s a painful, horrible show and I hate its producers so much, but god dammit, I love every single contestant on that show. All of them. They’re probably some of the most endearing and likable people I’ve met within the video game community and as much as I hate the show, I want them all to win. It absolutely breaks my heart to see any of them walk out because god dammit, none of them deserve to get kicked off for the completely asinine reasons the show comes up with. Maybe I’m just forming a really creepy attachment to these distant nerds, but dammit, I like these guys and they deserve more than this show can give them. No idea why anyone would compete to be a tester (I’m one, and trust me, it’s not very glamorous), but at least they get a decent car and paid gaming time. If anyone from The Tester reads this comic, just know that I love you, guys. I love you all.

Aaaaand I’m spent. See you guys on Sunday!
