70) Like Father Unlike Son
Posted March 4, 2012 at 09:59 am

Man, we kinda blew threw all of our buffer comics and had to finish this comic a LOT later than we had planned on. Still got it early on Sunday, but we’ve been so used to having comics done weeks ahead that having to work all night on the day before deadline just feels really shitty.

We’ve kinda been real busy. Me with work, Leslie with drawing prints and both of us trying to fit in whatever meager video game time we can get. On the plus side, Leslie and I co-oped Twisted Metal together on Twisted difficulty, got gold rankings on every level, and unlocked Warthog. Now we can hump EVERYTHING in our stationwagon tank. Bad news is that 1) Twisted Metal’s online is horribly broken despite its latest patch so we probably won’t even get to use it for at least a few weeks, and 2) The cats ripped our WiiMote sensor cord in half, so now we won’t be able to play Skyward Sword for a good while. Oh well, maybe we can actually get something done now.

Points of interest from this week: Leslie and I got haircuts! Leslie got a little bob-cut and it is SO CUTE. Me, I ended up losing my nerd wizard hair for a more boy-ish style, but I’m sure I’ll regain my sorcery within a month. Both our haircuts will be reflected in our new art for the About page whenever we get around to it. Leslie’s also been working on a sweet Protomen-inspired Megaman print that should be finished soon. And I’ve been trying to come up with the first chapter for our brand new project that we still need to announce on Tumblr soon! We also got our money sent out for an artist alley table at Mechacon, so we’re pretty much all set for that! September seems so far away…

But alright, that’s enough out of me. Enjoy Leslie’s arts and colors and we’ll see you again Wednesday!
