Guest Comic 10) Scotty
Posted October 1, 2013 at 02:00 am

Guest comic week begins NOW!

This cute little ditty is brought to you by Scotty, who runs a great comic called Technicolor London! When she sent this comic, she asked me to link her tumblr, but seriously, her comic is too good not to share! Her characters are cute, the art is great, it's a really fun little comic and all of you should flood to it right now to go check it out! (unless of course she really did want me to link the tumblr instead, in which case WHOOPS)

Leslie and I's little vacation has gone off to a great start! Our Slipshine comic is now completely inked, so we just need to shade it and it'll be ready to be posted! Of course, we don't know WHEN it'll actually be posted, but as soon as we do, we'll let you know! And if you follow our pornographic Tissue Box tumblr, you'll even get a free porn comic alongside the announcement! WE'RE CRAZY LIKE THAT! But I dunno if we should link that here. SEARCH FOR IT!

Next up on our schedule is to work on finishing the Slipshine comic, start on the next, create a buffer for Blaster Nation, make some progress on Rock Cocks, create more tumblr porn comics, make some time for Leslie to do not work-related things, and draw up some shirt designs! Busy, busy vacation. I don't think we're ever gonna get a break until our honeymoon.

See you guys on Friday! Until then, be sure to go check out Technicolor London and give Scotty a whole bunch of love! 
