105) The New Challengers
Posted July 22, 2012 at 02:00 am

 Sorry, no time for a blog update because we're minutes away from our INTERVIEW!

Leslie and I are doing that hour-long live interview I mentioned last update at 12pm Eastern, which should be in fifteen minutes at the time of our posting! If there are any delays or schedule changes, we'll update you guys on all of our social networks and shit so you can be there to listen and ask us questions or something, I dunno! Seriously, no idea how this works but it's so exciting! 


Stay tuned to the link above and keep repeatedly refreshing the page to see if our interview stream or whatever comes up on there! Will be updating with a direct link if I can get one! 

Hope you guys enjoy us talking about butts for an hour! See you soon!


Edit: Interview is now over! For those that listened in, tell us how we did! For those that didn't, SHAME ON YOU! But the recording for the interview will probably be posted sometime on Wednesday, so you can listen to it then! Thanks everyone, and see you Wednesday!
