123) Hyper Combo Finish
Posted October 14, 2012 at 02:00 am

DOUBLE UPDATE, BABY, IT'S FINALLY HAPPENED. Sorry there's been so much delay on this, it's just a difficult thing to do on Leslie's end, y'know? These comics, they can get pretty stressful when you got all this work piled up on ya. Me, I got the easy job, I just write the things. I can't imagine what it's like to be in Leslie's shoes sometimes. I can only imagine what it's like in her pants. HEYOOOOOO

So, over the week, Leslie and I ended up trying out a free trial of Tera. She played a dragon-lady huge-ass berserker thing, and I played a fabulous demon-dude sorcerer. And it was, uh, something. Leslie really loved it for like a whole day before realizing it was as boring as every other MMO, and I got bored almost immediately. See, I dunno, the genre is okay, and I can see why some people fall into them. Hell, even I will get hooked for a few hours, but immediately after those hours are up, I look on my experience and realize, "wow, I accomplished fucking NOTHING". I mean, yeah, it's a video game and shit, but fuck, MMOs make me feel like a goddamn waste. If I was playing any other type of game, at least maybe I'd have some nice narrative or some rich gameplay mechanics, but MMOs are just the most unfulfilling thing to me. 

There's been maybe two MMOs I've played where I didn't feel like a walrus playing. One was Phantasy Star Online, because the main quest line was actually pretty engaging at times (Red Ring Rico), the game mechanics were fun as hell, and I dunno, I actually liked farming for rare drops. The classes were fun and it was awesome getting a great team of four diverse bad-asses to fuck shit up. I loved Phantasy Star Online. Hell, the reason I love Monster Hunter so much is because it feels pretty similar to PSO. If I could get into the Japan-only beta, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

The other MMO that didn't feel like a complete waste was strangely enough...World of Warcraft. I mean, in the beginning stages of WoW, before the expansions. I was an undead priest then, and combat already sucks to me in WoW, so being a priest felt even worse. But I tell you, nothing can compare to the actual world in World of Warcraft. I have never seen a more diverse set of land in any game since WoW, especially in MMOs. I start off in a spooky zombie village, travel through dark, creepy plains, and then suddenly I make it to the tauren starting place, which is all green grass and blue skies. I continue on and I'm at a fucking beach, and there's pirates and shit. I can go out to the mountains, through the forests, past the caves. I found a wrecked pirate ship and god damn did I feel cool. I rode an airship to another location with a bunch of players, started up conversations to pass the time, watched the world below me. I had a danceoff with some dick-ass Alliance players. God, I didn't even need a combat system. WoW's world had me completely fucking enamored. I loved it so much, and no other game has been able to grasp such a diverse and imaginative world, Tera especially. In Tera, everything feels completely linear, there's a system of roads everywhere and there's fucking nothing else on the world map. Every area looks pretty similar; green hills, blue skies, some places slightly darker. Leslie dropped the game when she reached an area called "Valley of the Titans", traveled all the way there, and found nothing different about it at all from the main area. Nothing remotely titan or valley-like. The combat in Tera is pretty nice, don't get me wrong, but FUCK is everything so goddamn boring.

Maybe if I get some extra money or if it ever gets a free trial, I'll try Guild Wars 2. No idea if they do their world better or not. My PS3 died on my again just as I was about to try playing Silent Hill 3, so I'm in need of PC games to play. Leslie just got a huge collection of Cardcaptor Sakura volumes, so she's good and happy. 

But I guess that's it for now. See you guys next update! 
