124) Volcanic Rim
Posted October 17, 2012 at 02:00 am

I'm a firm believer that every fighting game should have a volcano erupting at the end of a round.

So, Halloween is coming up pretty quickly. Last year, we totally missed our chance at having a cool Halloween comic and I hate missing holiday stuff. NOT THIS YEAR, I SAY. No, we're definitely going to do a Halloween comic, even if we have to interrupt this chapter to do it. SO FEAR NOT, YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS (and Matt) WILL RETURN FOR HALLOWEEN.

Leslie and I were also thinking about changing up the Blaster Nation format a little bit. We've told nothing but nonstop long-form stories for the past almost two years and not a whole lot of time progression has happened in the comic. We also have a ton of characters that people like and we just never seem to have enough time to utilize ALL of them. The idea for the next chapter was yet another long story chapter, but what if we held back on that? What if we did just a whole bunch of one-off comics featuring, hell, any of the characters? Just short little comics of them doing shit, living their lives, being weird and stuff? Kind of like those doodle comics, only better. Just something we can do to pass time in the plot and develop the characters further and tell a bunch of jokes with them? Would you guys be interested in that?

Comment and let us know! This won't be until this chapter's done (still got maybe ten pages to go), but we're going to try to do as many updates as humanly possible so we can get this done! Until then, see you next update!



