125) Better Have Burn Heal
Posted October 22, 2012 at 02:00 am

Fuuuuck, I'm sorry we missed our update, guys.  Leslie was on a weekend trip with her parents and came back extremely late last night and she just didn't feel well at all. The trip itself was pretty fun, full of fishing and festivals, but she came home with a sore everything and some nausea. We've also been having some government problems, and that was kind of stressing us the fuck out seeing as they were storming our walls demanding $1200 we didn't know we owed in unfiled state taxes. It looks like we're finally getting that settled so no big deal, but jesus christ that was the single worst couple of days we experienced in awhile because god damn we were in no such shape to owe so much money so quickly. It's hard as shit to work on webcomics when you're freaking out like that.

But no, things are cool now! I was really surprised to see that pretty much everyone wanted us to keep our standard story-telling format as I mentioned last update! Maybe these things aren't as bad as I thought. I mean, I was never going to completely abolish the standard chapter formula, no sir. But I think I'll be doing what many of you suggested and do a few short comics to bridge the gap to the next chapter. Not nearly as many as I intended on doing before. Maybe five or six, somewhere around there.
I think things are finally starting to settle down a little for us, maybe. This current chapter was supposed to be quick little thing for us, just a nice break from the usual and give us a chance to figure out how fight scenes work for other stuff. But between hurricanes, conventions, site hackings, financial drama, and Leslie getting exhausted or sick, this thing seems to have dragged on way longer than it ever should have. But we're getting fairly close to the end and things are starting to look up for us again! Later on today, I'll scan some of Leslie's stuff and slap it on our tumblr. Leslie actually drew some Blaster Nation characters (one of them even in their underwear~), so good news for you guys who aren't all that interested in Rock Cocks! Bad news, though, because the rest of the pictures are totally Rock Cocks. What can I say, shit's fun to work on.
Leslie might actually open up for commissions soon, so we'll update you on that later! But until then, see you next update! On time, this time!