126) Final Round
Posted October 24, 2012 at 02:00 am

ROCK COCKS UPDATE! Half of chapter 1 has been written! See, chapter 1 is easily our biggest chapter in the Rock Cocks, consisting of two major scenes. The first scene sets up for the journey that our rockstar duo has to embark on, and the second is the first musical mission that they undertake. That first part, the setting up part, THAT's what's written. It's a pretty important scene, 25 pages long in length, and is exactly what Leslie needed written before she would start drawing the pages. We're going to have one HELL of a buffer when this shit's finally up! 

Our main Hiveworks guy, Antares, he constantly warns us that it's super hard to advertise anything with dicks in them. So we put WAY more dicks in the first chapter. LOTS of dickshots. It's fucking amazing. Also lots of other not-dick-related nudity. And plot, too. I'm actually pretty proud of the jokes in it. We'll give you guys some more RC stuff later on our tumblr. 
So yeah, everything's been pretty cool as of late. Been playing Dark Souls, watching Netflix, saw a documentary about dogs, blah blah blah. Definitely less stressful than things have been previously. We'll try to have a Blaster Nation Halloween comic up soon! Until then, see you next update!