192) Comfy Cozy
Posted June 12, 2013 at 02:00 am

Funny story, when we were originally making this comic, I was intending for Dan to wear pants. Like, the thought of him not wearing pants never crossed my mind. When Leslie got about halfway through with the pencils, she asked me if he should be pantsless. Because I never really game with my pants on when I play games (or ever) either. So I was just like "fuck man I didn't think to but now I really want to". So we took off his pants and changed the dialogue and what the fuck am I talking about E3 HAPPENED

Sorry about the update being kinda late. Can you blame us? The last couple of days have kinda been really exciting. It's hard to concentrate on any kind of work, comics or not, when one of the most exciting E3's in recent history occurs.

Fuck, what can I say? I went into this E3 expecting yet another boring, pointless showcase of games we already knew about and shit I'll never care for. But that didn't happen. No, right from the start, I was blown away.

Even Microsoft, who I don't really care for and in the end got brutally murdered by Sony's showing, still had a fantastic showcase of games. Their strategy of showing off boring sports and TV shit in another conference actually paid off and I'm impressed by their foresight and the amount of ACTUAL games they showed. Fuck, they used the word "ROGUELIKE" at E3! Like, I was really impressed by how dedicated they were to getting the hardcore audience back. Honestly, though? It only made me excited for the games. Not the console itself. They did nothing to ease the tension caused by their announced DRM policies and that hurt things, especially when most of the games they announced were also multiplatform.

Microsoft's complete silence on their used games and DRM pretty much gave Sony the perfect opportunity to go on the attack, and holy SHIT did they ever. With just a couple sentences, Sony unleashed the most brutal asswhooping I've seen yet. The first half of their show was pretty boring in comparison to Microsoft's, but holy shit, the last half hour of that show was just some of the best shit. Destiny looks pretty neat, their indie showcase was fantastic (OCTODAD, MERCENARY KINGS, AND FUCKING DIVEKICK YO), and nobody can question the balls on Sony right now. Sony's still showing real dedication to pure gaming variety, and it's the reason I'll be buying a PS4 and skipping the Xbox One.

And Nintendo? Man, it's fucking Nintendo. What I love about Nintendo more than anything is that they don't care what anyone else does. They do their thing and it fucking works. They don't concern themselves about having the best version of Call of Duty or Madden, that shit's never been a priority. Should it? Maybe. But they don't care. They have the most creative, innovative, and goddamn likable games on the market and they know it. You can get a Battlefield experience with any shooter. You CAN'T get a Mario or Zelda or Pikmin or Pokemon experience anywhere but Nintendo. I was a little disappointed that Retro Studios new game was a Donkey Kong sequel, but fuck, it still looks goddamn amazing and I'll pick it up on day one.

Lastly...Megaman's in Smash. It's amazing. Fuck, I was holding back tears of happiness when I saw it and even thinking about it makes my eyes water up a little. You have no idea how psyched I am by this. Everything about the new design is perfect, from the perfectly recreated NES sprite animations to the moveset to the sounds. God, even the new aesthetic take on him is fantastic and not really something we've seen before in Megaman. They really bring out the robotic aspect of him in the goddamn coolest way. Fuck, man, I am SO happy by this. For the first time in years, I am so goddamn excited for new video games that it's actually hard to write a character that just hates them.

Welp, now I've got to replay all the classic Megamans again. See you on Friday!
